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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Open Source Datasets with Kaggle Data sharing is hard, but we all know that there is great potential for discovery and reward [1]. A typical “sharing operation” might look like passing around a portable drive, putting compressed archives on some university or cloud server, or... Read more

Large Uploads with Django+Nginx Upload Module Do you ever struggle with something, akin to a blueberry muffin that is slowly being squished in a 10 year old’s lunch box (and he’s gone out to recess and left it in the sun), but then figure it out... Read more

Dinosaur Data Science, Start with Counting This post has three parts. In the first I’ll talk about challenges in data science and rationale for an initiative I’ve started called the Dinosaur Datasets. Discussion of this initiative is the second part. In the third part I’ll walk... Read more

Building Singularity Containers on TravisCI It’s probably no surprise that you can build Singularity containers using continuous integration (CI). Actually, the main repository does testing with one service in particular, Travis CI, and you can always see the testing going on here. While Travis (and... Read more