Google Container Registry Metadata 404 — If Shrek says that happiness is just a tear drop away, I say that insight is just a 404 away. This was the content of a slack message from one of my colleagues that sent my investigatory dinosaur heart into... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
Living Documentation — If you are a researcher with some code and you care about reproducibility, you probably use version control like Github. If you go out of your way to write a README file, a quick description of how to install, use,... Read more
—Exponential Ice Cube Cooling — This event is preceded by the hot drink tongue burn under the circumstances that the cup is filled to the brim. The drinking agent is limited to inefficient cooling strategies such as blowing and careful sipping. The exponential ice-cube effect... Read more
—Cause and Effect — 1. Find a 6+ pound can of nacho cheese on Google … calculate how many to fill a bathtub 2. Catapult ice cube across room to safely wet sink … miss sink, wet self with spilled hot cocoa from mug... Read more