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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Flask Banner Image Application Two interesting circumstances combined today, and the result was a fun project that, like most things that I produce, is entirely useless. However, it is a Saturday, which means that I can fill my time with such projects that, albeit being useless,... Read more

Freckles Her landlord thought she was nuts. Or minimally, just super annoying. Her fear of complaining was reaffirmed by the small white note that appeared in the mailbox the very same day of the complaint. It was a polite notification that... Read more

The Sink Immersed in the water, her senses were no longer preoccupied by the dollar-store sounds of traffic passing, that confused bird that sings in the dark, and the gentle bumps of neighbors moving from behind the wall. She imagined not having... Read more

Mariposa Mente You may not give a damn, but I must tell you how I am. I have learned to navigate my microwave from button pizza to start. At the market, I consistently place the same items in my cart. Terror is... Read more