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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


The Day Before Mom Came Twas the day before Mom came, and all through the house, The windows begged to be cleaned, the sink properly doused. Vanessa’s sneakers sat by the door with care, Left beside right, because feet do not share. The ice cubes... Read more

The Sound of Silence There once was a small town in the province of Heschl, where there lived a young woman, Silence. At dinner parties there was never an empty plate, for parts of speech she brought eight. She carried with her a fountain... Read more

The Mountain He had wanted it to be her. The fantasy had been imagined so many times, repeated indefinitely in his head, that the absence of the defining moment was as unacceptable as ripping a page out of a book. The back... Read more

The Ultimate Now since 17 days has come to bear, let me tell you about this ingrown hair. Upon first introduction, when all was new to me he was introduced as my new friend JP. Between him and I it is hard... Read more