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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


The Story of Stumbling Almost eight years ago, the director of a group in a company where I worked gave me a book that changed my life. It was called Stumbling on Happiness, and almost eight years ago, I started reading it at my... Read more

Thinking About The Future She used to climb the stairs in threes, and claim reward in the hot cup of coffee waiting for her lips in the small mail room by the flight. Half a mile from the building, the rich brown beans appeared... Read more

I Can Change the weeks cycled in eights toward those black and blue scars such weakness sought sustenance in fish and packets of ghee what cannot be seen in density sure must reveal in bars the square plates were four but might as... Read more

Straws nothing could reveal quite as much abut his flaws, than the box of five hundred straws grab one to drink his water with ice, and a stirrer for dissolving protein was also quite nice the marginal cost of two because... Read more