The Graduate Student Avatar! — What does it take to be an imaging scientist? What is an imaging scientist? This is a question that crosses my mind every so often when someone asks me about my “goals.” Do people think about goals regularly? I don’t.... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
Chi-squared test of independence for neuroimaging meta analysis — I am actively walking through the NeuroSynth meta analysis code, and I thought it would be helpful (for me) to write it down. I’m interested because I noticed that when performing a meta analysis with two sets of pubmed IDs,... Read more
—Moving pictures from Amazon Glacier to Amazon Cloud Drive — Recently Amazon announced unlimited photo storage for prime members. My simple backup method was using s3 and having photos automatically archived to glacier, however given that: I have to pay for both they are largely unaccessable I already have Amazon... Read more
—Adding Trend Lines to Barplots in R: watch that x range! — Data visualization is extremely important. I never believe any kind of “significant result” until I’ve visualized it to see that there is some convincing difference or pattern. However, today I ran into some trouble when trying to visualize some of... Read more