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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


The Graduate Student Avatar! What does it take to be an imaging scientist? What is an imaging scientist? This is a question that crosses my mind every so often when someone asks me about my “goals.” Do people think about goals regularly? I don’t.... Read more

Moving pictures from Amazon Glacier to Amazon Cloud Drive Recently Amazon announced unlimited photo storage for prime members. My simple backup method was using s3 and having photos automatically archived to glacier, however given that: I have to pay for both they are largely unaccessable I already have Amazon... Read more

Adding Trend Lines to Barplots in R: watch that x range! Data visualization is extremely important. I never believe any kind of “significant result” until I’ve visualized it to see that there is some convincing difference or pattern. However, today I ran into some trouble when trying to visualize some of... Read more