My Screen-ounette! — You got away from me, my screen-ounette! A careful melody of consistent characters A little puddle of pretty print A trailing list of timid text And then frozen. I didn’t know what to do, my screen-ounette! Like a frozen flash... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
NeuroSynth to Cognitive Atlas Mapping — NeuroSynth is a database that maps functional activation coordinates to behavioral terms, based on the frequency of the term in the paper. The Cognitive Atlas is an ontology of cognitive terms, specifically for neuroscience. I wanted to filter my NeuroSynth... Read more
—What is the purpose of the BMI student? — I’m finishing up the primary research for my PhD, and as I start to go through my list of “fun projects” to try, I am terribly aware of the big picture. Part of growing up (as a researcher) is not... Read more
—KEGG Human (hsa) Database for R — This morning I was trying to link some of my genes to pathways, so of course my first stop was KEGG. What in the world is KEGG? Kegg is a database of pathways. The pathway identifiers for human are numbered... Read more