
You likely want to integrate GridTest into your favorite continuous integration (CI) service and there are many good ways to do that.

GridTest Linting

If you add a new function to your testing library, you probably want to ensure that you’ve written a test for it. Akin to black for code formatting, gridtest provides a gridtest check command to check if a file has all tests written. In the case that all functions are represented, the return code is 0 (and the CI will pass):

$ gridtest check tests/modules/temp-tests.yml 

No new tests to add!✨ 🥑️ ✨

# Return code is 0
$ echo $?

But now let’s say that we update the module associated with the testing file and add a new function.

def new_function():
    print("No test for me!")

And then we run checks again:

$ gridtest check tests/modules/temp-tests.yml 

New sections to add:

Since we have a new test (and missed it) the return code is exit with an error (1):

echo $?

If we wanted to skip this test, we could do that by defining a skip pattern:

$ gridtest check tests/modules/temp-tests.yml --skip-patterns new_function

No new tests to add!✨ 🥑️ ✨

And the return code is again 0 (meaning it would pass in CI).

$ echo $?

GridTest Updating

Let’s take this same file, and say that we’ve checked it, and found that a new test needs to be added. How do we add the function to the template? You can run the update command:

$ gridtest update tests/modules/temp-tests.yml 
Adding function temp.new_function
Writing [gridtest|temp-tests.yml] to tests/modules/temp-tests.yml

Update is similar to generate, but we already have the filename (for the file or module) added to the testing file and don’t need to specify it again. The test file is updated with the new function (which is rather boring, it doesn’t have any arguments)

  filename: /home/vanessa/Desktop/Code/gridtest/tests/modules/
    - args:
        dirname: '{% tmp_dir %}'
    - args: {}
    - args:
        filename: '{% tmp_path %}'

Continuous Integration Recipes

Gridtest has templates available (CI services added on request) for particular continuous integration providers. Generally, you can use the above gridest check <testfile>.yml to check for needing to write tests, and then the standard grid runner (with any options you need) to run the tests, after installing gridtest. For example, in a run statement you might do:

pip install gridtest
gridtest run testfile.yml

GitHub Workflows

An example GitHub workflow is provided at github-workflow, and run with this repository. It will run the grid of tests for the [interface] example:


and then upload the results report as an artifact.


You could imagine also committing the static files to a docs folder, and then opening a pull request (or pushing directly) to update GitHub pages. If you want some help setting this up, please don’t be afraid to reach out.