GridTest can be installed natively (python 3 recommended) with pip:
pip install gridtest
or via conda-forge:
conda install --channel conda-forge gridtest
or you can clone and install from source:
$ git clone
$ cd gridtest
$ python install
$ pip install -e .
When you have installed GridTest, there will be an executable “gridtest” placed in your bin folder:
which gridtest
and you should be able to run the executable and see the usage:
$ gridtest
GridTest Python v0.0.0
usage: gridtest [-h] [--version] {version,test,generate} ...
Python Grid Testing
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version suppress additional output.
actions for gridtest
gridtest actions
version show software version
test run a grid test.
generate generate a grid test yaml file.
Running Tests
Once you’ve installed gridtest, you can run the test suite with pytest, and install a dependency for testing, the pokemon library:
pip install pokemon
pytest -sv tests/*py
The test suite is also run during continuous integration for GitHub actions, and will run on pull requests if you don’t want to run these commands locally.
If you have any questions or issues, please open an issue.