Pokemon Ascii Avatar Generator — An avatar is a picture or icon that represents you. In massive online multiplayer role playing games (MMORPGs) your “avatar” refers directly to your character, and the computer gaming company Origin Systems took this symbol literally in its Ultima series... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
How similar are my operating systems? — How similar are my operating systems? A question that has spun out of one of my projects that I suspect would be useful in many applications but hasn’t been fully explored is comparison of operating systems. If you think about... Read more
—Service Worker Resource Saver — If you are like me, you probably peruse a million websites in a day. Yes, you’re an internet cat! If you are a “tabby” then you might find links of interest and leave open a million tabs, most definitely to... Read more
—Neo4J and Django Integration — What happens when a graph database car crashes into a relational database car? You get neo4-django, of course! TLDR: you can export cool things like this from a Django application: Neo4j-Django Gist I’ve been working on the start of version... Read more