Visual explanation of coordinate-based meta-analysis approaches — Neuroscientists need to understand their results in the context of previous literature. If you spit out a brain statistical map from your software of choice, you might have any of the following questions: How consistent is the result? How specific... Read more
—Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me
The Velvet Stallion — Tangled and fiery, you know his kind Intensity and anguish burns his mind Darkly focused, inexorably lucid Barraging loves, timidly elusive The velvet stallion, charging by day Barraging loves, barrier you away. A swirling of desire caught in his eye... Read more
—T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding — What do we want to do? We want to visualize similarities in high dimensional data. Why should we care? We want to develop hypotheses about processes that generate our data, and discover interesting relationships. The visualization must match and preserve... Read more
—My Definition of "Art" vs. "Something Else" — For years I’ve struggled with trying to define (for myself) the difference between “art,” and visualizations that (while of course they fit in the domain of art) I find inspiring or meaningful. I want to start with the understanding that... Read more