
Each executor can expose it’s own custom actions, which in addition to the ability to run, re-run, or clear (see commands), allow a user to execute custom actions to get status updates or similar. Here we will walk through a basic example for getting actions from within Python, or from the command line.

Command Line

First, let’s run a command to launch a little script.

$ qme run sbatch --partition owners --time 00:00:10 run_job.sh
[slurm-02eecdcd-a6b2-4055-8fad-c94e846a0f26][returncode: 0]

To get actions for an executor, just run the qme exec slurm without any arguments, where “slurm” is the name of the executor, and exec implies we want to execute an action.

$ qme exec slurm
1  status
2  output
3  error
4  cancel

Let’s try getting a status, for our last task run (we don’t need a task id or an executor):

$ qme exec status
{'jobid': '941170', 'jobname': 'run_job.sh', 'partition': 'owners', 'alloccpus': '1', 'elapsed': '00:00:00', 'state': 'PENDING', 'exitcode': '0:0'}

I could have also obtained the taskid from qme get or qme ls slurm and then asked an action to be run. Here is a listing with a previous (now finished) job:

$ qme ls slurm
Database: sqlite
1  slurm-4e84f806-6787-42e2-8ece-00646328df7f	sbatch --partition owners --time 00:00:10 run_job.sh
2  slurm-66756885-00c3-4d34-9976-3b8a04337537	sbatch --partition owners --time 00:00:10 run_job.sh

and getting it’s status:

$ qme exec slurm-66756885-00c3-4d34-9976-3b8a04337537 status
Database: sqlite
{'jobid': '941170', 'jobname': 'run_job.sh', 'partition': 'owners', 'alloccpus': '1', 'elapsed': '00:00:06', 'state': 'COMPLETED', 'exitcode': '0:0'}

Running an action with a taskid is useful if we need to run an action for some command that wasn’t the last one run.


Let’s say that we create a Queue, and we use all the defaults.

from qme.main import Queue
queue = Queue()

1. Run a Task

Now we want to run a command. Since the command will start with sbatch, this will give us a slurm executor task back.

task = queue.run("sbatch --partition owners --time 00:00:10 run_job.sh")
[slurm-8e70abab-fe8b-43cb-b108-b1b1da725cac][returncode: 0]

as a reminder, this would be equivalent to running

$ qme run sbatch --partition owners --time 00:00:10 run_job.sh

2. Inspect Metadata

on the command line. We could quickly get the current metadata with task.load:

> task.load()
{'executor': 'slurm',
 'uid': 'slurm-8e70abab-fe8b-43cb-b108-b1b1da725cac',
 'data': {'pwd': '/home/users/vsochat',
  'user': 'vsochat',
  'timestamp': '2020-05-20 16:01:33.169770',
  'output': ['Submitted batch job 906448\n'],
  'error': [],
  'returncode': 0,
  'command': ['sbatch',
  'status': 'complete',
  'pid': 127569},
 'command': 'sbatch --partition owners --time 00:00:10 run_job.sh'}

3. Get Actions

But actually, we aren’t interested in the running command, we want to get the status of the job, according to slurm. Or we might want output. Let’s see what actions our task executor exposes!

['status', 'output', 'error', 'cancel']

4. Run Actions

Cool! Let’s get a status. When we run an action, we use the task.run_action() function, as this will run the executor action and also provide the task’s loaded metadata.

> task.run_action('status')
{'jobid': '906448',
 'jobname': 'run_job.sh',
 'partition': 'owners',
 'alloccpus': '1',
 'elapsed': '00:00:00',
 'state': 'PENDING',
 'exitcode': '0:0'}

We might also want to get output or error (if the job has been run and the files exist). Here is what we see when it doesn’t exist yet - it’s presented as a list of lines, when returned by the function.

> task.run_action('output')
['/home/users/vsochat/slurm-906448.err does not exist.\n']

When we get that the status is complete, we can try again:

> task.run_action('output')

How boring!