
The following environment variables can be set to determine runtime behavior.


the number of multiprocessing workers to use (for executors that can use it). Set to be 2*2nproc + 1 if not set.


the default shell for an interactive manager (defaults to ipython, then checks python, and bpython)


the database to use. For example, you can specify just filesystem or sqlite, or postgresql or mysql+pymysql for mysql. For the last three, you can optionally specify QME_DATABASE_STRING to include a particular set of credentials needed for access, and this is recommended over providing the values into the config, which would save credentials in your QME_HOME secrets (not recommended). To export a particular database type, here are examples:

export QME_DATABASE=mysql+pymysql
export QME_DATABASE=postgresql
export QME_DATABASE=filesystem
export QME_DATABASE=sqlite

For more permanent settings, you should use the configure client instead.


If you have a custom string for a database or file, you can specify it with QME_DATABASE_STRING. For example, sqlite might look like this:

export QME_DATABASE_STRING=mydatabase.db

and would create mydatabase.db in your QME_HOME. For a relational database with username, password, and tables, you would export a full string:

export QME_DATABASE_STRING=username:password@host/dbname

See database setup for more details.


The “home” directory for QueueMe is by default placed in your $HOME in a directory called .qme. Within that directory, you will see the following structure:

  config.json (- configuration
  database/   (- database for filesystem, if applicable

If you want to change this location, then you’ll need to (more permanently) export QME_HOME in your bash profile, or perhaps in a container install.


If you want to set the logging level from the environment, set QME_LOG_LEVEL to one of “WARNING” “DEBUG” “INFO” “CRITICAL” “ERROR” or “FATAL”. For example, to silence most all messages, we might set it to fatal:


You can override the environment default by way of using the --log_level flag:

$ qme --log_level INFO get

If you set an environment level that is not one of the choices, it will default to using info. If you provide an inccorect value to --log_level you will be asked to run the command again and choose from the valid choices.


If you are using the dashboard (which uses web sockets) this is the number of seconds to update it. This basically will update the dashboard table with the content of your Qme Database.

You might next want to browse commands that can be run with qme.